[W3af-users] re-loading results back into w3af?
Joseph Spenner
2015-09-03 18:50:32 UTC
After I perform a scan, I would like to share my results with others on my team.  The HTML output doesn't seem very organized, and it's hard to go directly to the more severe alerts (it would be nice if there was an index or anchors in the output to allow one to go directly to various sections).  But the results in the w3af GUI itself look great.  Is there a way to save the results to a file, and re-load them on a different system running w3af to share the results with others?
Regards,Joseph Spenner If life gives you lemons, keep them-- because hey.. free lemons. "~heart~ Sticker"  fixer:  http://microflush.org/stuff/stickers/heartFix.html